Want to know the by-laws of the PSA? Read our governing documents here!
Want to check your graduation requirements for a philosophy degree? See the various required courses based on your specific degree here.
Want to discuss more information about your degree, future, research, or anything philosophy related? Find more information on advising here.
Want to know your rights as a student? Review your academic rights here. For a summary guidance, feel free to consult the EUS Wiki's version here.
If you believe that one of your academic rights has been violated, you may want to file an academic complaint. The PSA is here to guide you through that process. You can file a complaint through filling out the google form here.
Minorities and Philosophy at McGill University
MAP is a collection of students that aims to examine and address issues of minority participation in academic philosophy.
MAP aims broadly at addressing (a) minority issues in the profession, (b) theoretical issues regarding philosophy of gender, race, sexual orientation, class, disability, native language, etc, and (c) philosophy done from minority perspectives.
McGill joins MAP chapters at 130 universities around the world, including two others in Montreal (at the Université de Montreal and Concordia University). We are operating as an organizing committee and looking for more members; if you would like to help coordinate a larger event in the fall, have ideas for a speaker or workshop, please let us know!